The more you do something, the more “normal” it seems.
The more you do something, the more “normal” it seems.
This is true of unhealthy patterns and healthy patterns.
Summer can be a good time to reflect on your life and think about how you might need to change your normal. We're in this series called Making Life Work, looking at the book of Proverbs and reflecting on our lives and how they might need to change to get on a different path.
What is something that’s normal for you, but maybe isn’t that healthy?
Routines and habits become who we are. Here are some things you could plug into...
Campus Groups just started and there's still room for you!
Maybe you need to evaluate your rule of life and dig deep with Hillary MacLellan in the Spiritual Formation for Missional Living course this fall.
Or maybe your next step is to study the Bible more in a deeper way. Join with Dr. Lee Magness to study 1st and 2nd Corinthians in a new course, Called Into Community.
Just remember, the longer you're in an unhealthy pattern, the more normal it seems.
Maybe it's time to change normal!