Note from Ben (and Larry!): RYW, Snail Mail, and Easter

Larry wanted to be part of the fun, so check out the video below!

Get to a campus or tune in online this week for an important message as part of the Rock Your World series. Don’t miss it!

Check your snail mail! Your Q1 Unstoppable Good Update is waiting for you chock full of great stories about the Mental Health initiative and the Mountain App, and a personalized update on your commitment. 

Easter is SO close!

Is your next step to say yes to Jesus through baptism? Easter is a great time to take that step in your journey. Text BAPTISM to 94062 for more info.

Easter is also a great time to invite someone to join you at church. Nearly 50% of people say they’d be interested, if only someone would invite them. Who will you invite to join you for Easter at Mountain?

Praying with you that you’ll let God use you to invite someone to join you for an Easter service at Mountain!



How Long Are You Going To Waver Between 2 Opinions?


New service times, guest speaker, and a marriage and relationship enrichment opportunity!