Big Stuff Happening At Mountain!

The Weeds in My Garden series is really helping folks find hope and healing. This week we're talking about stress and burnout... yeah, we've all had those weeds in our garden before. Invite a friend and don't miss service this week!

We're excited to host a Mental Health Night for the community on Friday, February 10 to learn how we can best care for kids and teens. Don't miss this chance to hear from special guest speakers, Will Hutcherson and Dr. Chinwé Williams. Whether you're a teacher, coach, parent, small group leader, neighbor, mentor, or friend, so many of us are investing in the lives of kids and teens everyday. Register today and invite someone to join you who cares about kids and teens!

If you've been at in-person services over the last few weeks, you've probably looked around and noticed Mountain is blowing up! I've got some exciting news to share about that this week, so don't miss service - plan to be at a campus or tune in online.

See you soon!



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